Welcome Gwenevere “Winnie” Mae

It’s been a month since little Winnie has been in our arms, and I honestly don’t know how it’s already been that long! After your first child, days, months, and weeks really are a big blur. Time goes quicker than that little…

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Happiness is Homemade

Isn’t it though? You can create your happiness and joy. Your circumstances may be dim, but you can choose happiness. I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but that’s what we’re trying to teach our girls…and even ourselves…

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Stay at Home Spring Break

I know a lot of you guys are still in the negatives up North and out West, but that doesn’t stop spring break daydreaming. We don’t have big plans for spring break since the girls are only in preschool, but they do&nbsp…

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Creative Play with Shape Mags

Who tries to set some type of schedule for your kids while they’re at home? I’ve been trying to be more intentional this past year of having some type of plan to follow on the days the big girls don’t go to…

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Disney Trip 2018

DISNEY!I’ve been so lazy in writing posts over the past couple months…okay really the past nine. I don’t know what it was about being pregnant, but I had a little less motivation to work during nap time. I wanted to zone…

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When Your Mom Instinct Takes Over

My heart is still racing just typing this out. My mind is flowing with the what ifs and could have beens. This post won’t have any pretty photos and possibly not even thoughts that are strung together well, but it had to come out…

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It’s been seven whole years since we said “I do.” Some days it feels like just yesterday our love story began and others it feels like you’ve always been a part of me. I know that’s super cliché, but it is what…

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For us in the South, it seems like summer has been here for months now! But I know some states don’t get as many summery days as we do, so summer days are just beginning. Or maybe your beach trip is coming up! We still have until the end of September AT LEAST for humid days and lots of swimming. Not complaining. Love living here. Some days, I just pine for some cool weather. BUT, if you can’t beat the heat, join it, right?And that’s what we’ve been trying to do. Enjoy the outdoors. Feel…


I’ve been a runner since I was 12. Well…on and off again runner. Once I started college, it became almost an every day activity. It was just part of my routine. I woke up, put my running shoes on, and headed out the door to start my morning. So, naturally, as a mama, I’ve tried to keep it up when I can. I ran all through Hallen’s pregnancy with no problem. I even exercised the day I delivered. I was a little more hesitant to do ANYTHING with Hazel since I bled a lot, but the…


Hallen finally got a new big girl mattress! She’s in a twin now! She’s been sleeping in a little toddler bed since she was 18 months old, and was finally starting to outgrow the length of it. This Solay mattress couldn’t have come at a better time.She was So excited when it showed up on our doorstep. We did have to wait for daddy to come home to take it up the stairs, but then we popped that box right open, took the plastic wrap off of the mattress, and saw it come to life! The…

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A Happier November


So, the photo is a dead giveaway, but if you’re having a hard time deciphering the balloons…WE’RE EXPECTING AGAIN!! And it’ll be another November baby.  I’ve been quieter than usual on the blog, and I’ve missed it, but life has been extra busy lately.The first trimester was the hardest one yet out of all my pregnancies. It hurt to look at the screen, so that’s a big reason no not very many new posts have been written. Getting sick while trying to crank a post out isn’t a very fun. But…

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Identity Crisis?


In the past 4 years, I feel like I’ve found my true identity and lost it all at the same time. Being still relatively new in the motherhood game, things are constantly shifting. Each day is different. Each day brings new emotions, tantrums, trials, and triumphs. Some days I’m not sure what’s up or what’s down.Hallen was such “the perfect baby,” that I felt like a supermom, a super friend, and super fit. I could conquer all. But, since moving to the Charlotte area, having a miscarriage immediately, getting pregnant with Hazel right away, while…

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I haven’t been doing yoga very long. I meet some people who have been doing yoga for 10, 15, or 20 years, and I am so impressed when I hear that. I’ve been doing it on and off for the past four years. Sometimes being a mom has put my schedule on hold or something comes up that I need to do instead of going to my yoga class. So, I definitely wouldn’t consider myself a yogi or even someone who is particularly great at yoga. I just happen to have a little bit of flexibility, and…

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Outerbanks Beach Trip


For the past few years, now, we’ve been taking an annual beach trip with my family. My brother, his wife, and children, and my parents all huddle together in a house somewhere on the sandy shores of the East Coast. This year, my dad chose Corolla. I grew up going to the Outerbanks, so it was so nice to be back. I love how isolated and quiet the beaches there are. All we did was swim in the pool, visit the beach, play games, and eat. I brought my computer, but hardly touched it. I tried to stay off…


All the summer holidays are rolling in, and right after Mother’s Day is Father’s Day! June 17th this year, to be exact. I love making my hubby feel special for Father’s Day. Two years ago, I gave him a pregnancy test just after we bought our home on a whim on Father’s Day, so that one is pretty hard to top, but this year, it’s all about showing him the memories he’s been able to create and give to us as a daddy of two girls and the father of my babies.  So, we…

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