I told myself I didn’t need another “thing.” I didn’t need to fall in love with another brand, another line, another designer…. I held off on going to parties for the longest time, because…well…money, and I fall in love with clothes so easily! The way certain textures feel, the nostalgia a certain piece has, the colors that make me feel sexier and younger. I just love clothes. There.But, I finally went to a Lularoe party a couple weeks ago with my friend. We both said we were going to just hang out, chat, and have…
If you’re smart, you’re already Christmas shopping so that it doesn’t catch up to you on Christmas Eve! Walking around the mall with everyone else the day before Christmas is always so agonizing and depressing to me. There’s nothing jolly about bumping into everyone’s shoulders and standing in lines 30 minutes long. You should be enjoying the day with family or friends! So, I’m here to help you! Just call me a little elf 🙂 I’ve fallen in love with some personalized jewelry that I’ve recently gotten. Sweet Peas Stamping has so many…
Well…it’s no secret anymore. We’ve told everyone that we’re expecting! I still wear lots of flowy tops, though, so you may not notice right away. This pregnancy is already so different from when I was pregnant with Hallen. I hardly felt Hallen kicking at all…throughout the whole pregnancy! This one started kicking at 16 weeks…yes 16…and hasn’t stopped! And I have to pee at least twice an hour. The joys! I’ll take that with a healthy pregnancy, though!These are some of my favorite new pieces I’ve snagged…well, Kevin…
So, this may not be an every Monday occurrence, but this Monday is a mommy and me kind of day! It’s JUST starting to become fall-ish around here. And I’m going to use the -ish part very strongly. It’s still humid and muggy some days, but the cool mornings have come! Over the next two weeks, we have two mountain escapes planned too, so then I think fall will really feel like it’s setting in. The best part about the little mountain escapes is that they’ll be free of toddler drama! I love Hallen…
There’s been a little nugget of hope hiding away these past few months. I began with very little optimism, trying not to get attached to any ideas or future plans. Most days, I tried to push the notion of being pregnant again so quickly out of my head. What if it happened again? I couldn’t lose two babies in a row. The pain would be too difficult.A week before Father’s Day, I innocently started taking pregnancy tests. It had been 5 weeks since our miscarriage, and I just wanted to see. The first one was the…
Here goes. I used to blog about fashion when I was in the fashion industry, but stopped once I became a personal trainer. So, I’m going to start it back up with Fashion Friday.I recently got these new clutches from Shop the Other Stuff. They’re completely adorable and perfect for someone like me!I can take one on a date with my husband, and then the next morning throw it in my diaper bag. It carries all the essentials you need; money, lip gloss, credit card, and keys. So much better than lugging something else on your…
After writing about our miscarriage story two weeks ago, I couldn’t have felt more loved by our friends, family, and people I’ve never met. It’s still crazy to me that social media can reach so many people. These past couple months, I’ve felt God’s presence more than ever. And when I really think about life’s difficult situations, I know that’s why we go through them. To feel closeness with our Creator; to feel cared for; to learn more about his goodness.Hardships in life, whether short term or long term, can either draw…
I didn’t know if I’d write about this so soon or ever write it really. Something so personal and dear to my heart. But, I feel like the more I write about it, the more I may heal. It may even be healing for someone else going through the same thing.Ever since Hallen was born, I was ready for her to be a big sister. I know that’s a BIG statement, but it’s the truth. I wanted ten little Hallen’s running around and calling me mommy. After we started trying for number two, I…