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Y’all..this week I leave to go on my first ever “momcation.” I never left Hallen for an extended period of time when she was a baby, because I just couldn’t leave her side, and well…she needed me! I felt guilty leaving her to go have fun. I felt guilty for not being there for a fun moment that she may have. I felt guilty for her few minutes of crying that would inevitably happen when I closed the door and said goodbye. I felt guilty before even making plans, so I just didn’t make plans…


So, apparently your third trimester starts at 26 weeks. I could have sworn it started at 28! And that’s where I’m at now. I don’t remember feeling so achey this early on with Hallen. I guess I’m already a little more stretched out everywhere, and my joints are a little more wobbly…aka I’m old! This little girl is growing growing more and more each day, as are my thighs. I’m totally fine with that. It all just happened so suddenly. One day, it was comfortable to wear jeans and the next was terrible…

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Lula Obsessed

I told myself I didn’t need another “thing.” I didn’t need to fall in love with another brand, another line, another designer…. I held off on going to parties for the longest time, because…well…money, and I fall in love with clothes so easily! The way certain textures feel, the nostalgia a certain piece has, the colors that make me feel sexier and younger. I just love clothes. There.But, I finally went to a Lularoe party a couple weeks ago with my friend. We both said we were going to just hang out, chat, and have…

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