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Happiness is Homemade


Isn’t it though? You can create your happiness and joy. Your circumstances may be dim, but you can choose happiness. I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but that’s what we’re trying to teach our girls…and even ourselves as parents! There are days when everything just seems to go wrong or I have a bad week where it seems like one bad incident leads to the next, and we’re all just spinning in a negative cycle. Those weeks are SO hard! But, ultimately, I can choose to turn things around. And I…

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I Am Enough


I Am Enough. I think it’s something every single one of us struggles with. “Am I truly enough? I have a great job, amazing husband, beautiful children, friends, a home to live in, etc… but am I really enough?” Somehow that message gets hardwired in so many of our brains, because everyday we see someone else’s highlight reel while we feel like we don’t measure up. That mom over there can bake really well and all my desserts turn to soup (true story by the way). And another mom over there feeds her children only organic while…


Y’all..this week I leave to go on my first ever “momcation.” I never left Hallen for an extended period of time when she was a baby, because I just couldn’t leave her side, and well…she needed me! I felt guilty leaving her to go have fun. I felt guilty for not being there for a fun moment that she may have. I felt guilty for her few minutes of crying that would inevitably happen when I closed the door and said goodbye. I felt guilty before even making plans, so I just didn’t make plans…


“EmmaJane-Designs is beautifully made jewelry, plan and simple. Emma has such a passion for what she does and you can see it in her work. I’ve seen her grow her business over these past 4 years and just have the utmost respect for her drive and the product she is creating. She makes gorgeous, minimal, chic jewelry that can be worn by all and purchased by all. She also has a heart of pure gold. She empowers women to want to be successful and her company is a great representation of that. That was one of the top…


SudPrize Bath Balls


I know most kids go crazy for bubbles in their baths. I did! It was one thing that would make me jump in the tub when I was younger.Well…we’ve tried bubbles a handful of times with Hallen, and she freaks out. At first, I was like…you’re a kid! Like the bubbles! But, for some reason, her little sassy self just can’t stand them. So, when we first tried SudPrize bath balls, I was nervous. Inside, I was telling myself, “just act normal. Just act normal…pretend this is just like every other bath.” I…


Since the month of May has the day we celebrate all types of mothers, I figured I’d keep the “mom” theme going.What has your mother, or one of your role model’s who’s been like a mother, instilled in you? Were you taught to shoot for the stars, to never stop dreaming, treat others as you would treat yourself, always be kind and respectful? One thing that I’ve always wanted to be as a mother is to be more patient, selfless, a teacher to my kids. I think we all have those days where we, as…


Baby Girl’s Nursery

As soon as we moved into our new home this past August, we went ahead and set the crib and baby furniture up since we knew we’d eventually have to. We also put all of our miscellaneous items and boxes in that room and just shut the door! Well, the past two weekends, we’ve been doing a little decorating in the new baby’s room. It’s definitely far from finished, but I’m already in love with the scheme. It’s bright. It’s fun. It’s totally out of my comfort zone. I like neutrals and…

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Fashion Friday With the Bump

Well…it’s no secret anymore. We’ve told everyone that we’re expecting! I still wear lots of flowy tops, though, so you may not notice right away. This pregnancy is already so different from when I was pregnant with Hallen. I hardly felt Hallen kicking at all…throughout the whole pregnancy! This one started kicking at 16 weeks…yes 16…and hasn’t stopped! And I have to pee at least twice an hour. The joys! I’ll take that with a healthy pregnancy, though!These are some of my favorite new pieces I’ve snagged…well, Kevin…

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