Fashion and lifestyle blogger in Charlotte, NC. When I’m not typing on the computer, I’m taking photos, editing them, or playing with my two little girls. I also run a photography business, so I stay busy. Nap time is when everything gets done around the house. I try to squeeze as much as I can into those three hours. So, needless to say, the photo of the four of us above is actually the only one of the four of us that we have!
The name Dear November Days came out of a period of sadness for us as a family. We had a miscarriage summer 2016, and it rocked our world. The little babe was due in November…he or she would probably share a birthday with our oldest daughter, Hallen. So, initially this blog was just going to be a little diary of our days, sharing it with our child in Heaven, but it’s become so much more than that!
In my spare time, I love to sit. I like to sit and drink a glass of wine when I’m not chasing little ones around, cleaning up, writing posts, editing, running, making dinner, or any other chores adults have ha!