5 Simple Ways To Live “Cleaner”

Over the past few years, we’ve made a cognizant effort to really live a cleaner lifestyle. We are FAR from perfect, and still use too many disposable products, but we’re slowly cleaning it up. So, I wanted to share with you some easy, totally doable ways to just jump in and start today if you’re overwhelmed with everything that “needs” to be done.
I want you to know that there’s no way to do it all overnight. It’s a huge overhaul, especially if you like to default to disposable plates when you just don’t feel like washing another dish (that would be me.)
But here are some simple things you can do:
- Buy Organic
- I know, I know. Everyone says this. But it really is the most simple thing to do. This week, buy 5-10 organic things at the grocery store you’d normally buy. And since most of us are shopping online, it’s even simpler. Just add to the cart, and it’ll show up on your doorstep. Or go to Aldi. Their organic products are really affordable. You can also buy organic, sustainable clothing. My favorite brand is Everlane.
- Yes, buying organic is more on your budget, but I could talk for days on how it’s better for human beings overall. This is a short post, though, so I’ll leave it up to you to do the research right now.

- Start With Lipgloss/Lipstick
- This is what I did when I started switching over my makeup/facial products. Why? Honestly, the price. I love lip colors, and it just seemed to make the smallest dent in my wallet. But, on the clean side of things, we lick our lips ALL THE TIME. Our lipstick/chapstick/lipgloss is left on our fork, our cup, our straw, etc, so we’re ingesting it constantly. You could be eating lead, terrible dyes, all sorts of parabens, heavy metals… That’s why I prefer Beautycounter to any other brand. I know their products are free of all of those! (Favorite Lipstick: Twig, Favorite Gloss: Clove, Dahlia, & Rosewood, Favorite Lip Conditioner: Calendula )
- Shop Small
- I love shopping small, and have for over 5 years now. I try too whenever possible. From the boutiques in my own town like Broadcloth Boutique for my clothing and gifts or from other small shop owners like Mila Chic Boutique for my girls’ clothes or Legacy Made Signs for home decor/ photo frames. Shopping small reduces your carbon footprint, helps the small business owner, and you’ll have unique pieces! It’s also conflict free usually. You know that you weren’t a part of the slave industry. Small shop workers are usually the business owners themselves or someone paid a normal wage with great living conditions. I’m a HUGE advocate for shopping small when at all possible.
- Reusable Bags
- You know now that you can get bags from anywhere to use at grocery stores or department stores. Some states even charge you a few cents to use the plastic bags at grocery stores, so you’re just better off bringing your own if nothing else than to save a buck! If you want a sturdy one that will last a long time, check out Apolis bags. They aren’t the cheapest, but they’ll last a lot longer than those reusable Home Goods bags or the ones from your grocery store. You can also use them for a plant “basket” or other type of decor while you aren’t shopping with them! Their bags also provide fair wages to workers in Bangladesh. They’re also a certified B Corp just like Beautycounter 🙂
- Change detergents
- And the final way to change today is to order a new laundry detergent. Simple! I’ve found one that works really well called Molly’s Suds, and now it’s on our Amazon Prime subscribe and save. I’ll tell you my dirty secret, though…I still haven’t found a stain remover that’s safe, so I still use a regular (probably really toxic) stain stick that gets all those dirt and food stains out of toddler clothes. I figure the majority of the time, I’m just using detergent, and I treat stains maybe once a week or one every other week . So, if you have a suggestion for a stain remover for me that’s non-toxic, let me know! I’ve tried so many!

There you have it! Super simple, doable ways to live a cleaner life starting today. What are your simple ways to live a cleaner life starting to day ? I’d love to hear them below.