Vampire Facial at New Day Wellness

What is a Vampire Facial?
If you’re like me, and just out of the know, I’ll give you a brief run down of what it is. When I tried to explain it in my Instagram stories last month, I kind of butchered it, so I’m here to set it straight (maybe…I may have to be set straight again by my friend who performed the facial)! Basically, a vampire facial is microneedling mixed with PRP (platelet rich plasma). PRP is found in the serum part of your blood. This concentration of platelet cells can help in the healing process of your cells, so by microneedling your face, and then putting your own PRP on top of that, it penetrates down deep to repair those cells. It’s been shown to heal deep acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines.
Still in the dark of what goes on for this facial? It’s okay…I’ll run you through my hour at New Day Wellness.
Vampire Facial Experience
Once I got there, I went back to my room, and Shannon (the nurse practitioner who did my facial) put numbing cream on my face so that I wouldn’t feel the needling as much. Already winning. Numb me up!
While we waited for my face to get a little numb, I had my blood drawn (it is a vampire facial, so this is where the name comes from😉). It’s exactly like every other blood draw you’ve had. Then, my blood was put in a centrifuge so that they could separate the platelets. We went back to my room, and the process started. First, Shannon tested my skin to see how it would react to certain levels of microneedling. She ended up being able to do a pretty high frequency of microneedling, because my skin wasn’t showing much sensitivity to start. I was happy with that! Be gone fine lines and pigmentation! After she did a small area, she would rub my PRPs over that area, so that they would sink in. This process took maybe 20-25 minutes to do my whole face. And honestly, it wasn’t very painful. The most painful areas were my cheekbones, hairline, and above my lip. But the numbing cream works really well!
Just like that, it was all done! She wiped my face down, and slathered Aquaphor on top of it. For the next three days, I couldn’t wear makeup and needed to put Aquaphor on my face. I also put the rest of my PRP on top of my face at night to continue the work that was happening. Shannon told me that I’d see progress over the next month.
For the first week, I still had those tiny pin pricks from the microneedling, but you could hardly see them. Only a few of them scabbed over. And the redness that I walked out of New Day Wellness with pretty much settled down in an hour. There was absolutely no downtime. I was just shiny from the Aquaphor!

What’s the Atmosphere Like at New Day Wellness?
I was able to hold Winnie the whole time. I was hoping she would sleep, but you know…babies always want you to hold them, and they don’t care what you’re doing! And you know what…it was totally fine! Everyone was okay that she was there and were so inviting. They probably would have watched her for me if they didn’t have to work! Such a friendly staff. I felt like they cared about me like family. You could tell that they all genuinely liked being there and taking care of their clients.
I LOVE that there are actually nurses who work there and it isn’t just another spa. I can really trust someone with my health who knows the human body well.
I’m ready to go back for more treatments!
Where Am I Now? One Month Later
I’ve loved the results that I got from my vampire facial. Shannon also told me that to get the best results, I’d need to go 2-3 times, but I haven’t had time to go back yet. I have seen great results within a month, though. I do still have slight fine lines and a little pigmentation left on my forehead, but the pigmentation has gone down significantly. I do want to go back a couple more times to try and get the pigmentation down more, but I am happy with the one treatment.

Who is This Good For?
Everyone! Unless you have a blood clotting disorder. It’s great for scarring, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, dermatitis, fine lines, wrinkles. It’ll give just about everyone that fresh, pumper look almost immediately!