Creative Play with Shape Mags

When we ARE home all day, I love to start the day with breakfast and a little TV. I know…it’s terrible for them, right? You can criticize me. It’s fine! I’m tough. It’s just what we do. And after a short show or two, if it’s not raining, I’ll let the girls have some free time outside while I clean up the house a little. And then once they’re back inside, I’ll give them a craft, which may last 10 minutes or it may last 30. Depends on the day and the daughter! After the craft, it’s more play time, but a little creative play. This may be dress up, making pretend food in their kitchen, painting, or playing in a rice box I’ve made. But, we recently received some Shape Mags, and the girls have LOVED to see what kind of castles they can build with them. At first, they needed my help to kind of show them how to create different things, but now, Hallen does her own thing and comes up with some really fun houses and just lets her imagination go! It’s also helped her build other shapes. Like, she now knows that two certain triangles can create a square! Hazel has also learned how to build things, although she’s still at the point of mainly collapsing everything and just playing with the little car set we got too. She likes to make it a choo choo train!
It’s so fun to watch their creative minds come alive, and at the age Hallen is now, to really see her think of how to build something and make it work. On the Shape Mags site, it says, “Shape Mags prepares your child to be part of tomorrow’s movers and shakers, innovators and leaders. Hours of Shape Mag play means hours of building critical thinking and problem solving skills.” And I couldn’t agree with this more! It’s definitely building their STEM skills. I’ve gone upstairs to our play room so many times now to see that the girls have these out and just building what they can build. I also find my husband up there with them using his critical thinking as well…showing off for the girls!
They’re also really affordable, which I love! I know a lot of us mamas are tired of buying things that are going to break in a couple months or really knowing what to get for another little kid’s birthday present. I think any child and mom would be happy to receive these! Anything that engages their mind to think a little deeper, I’m all for! I’ll make room in our playroom for it.
And I don’t know what your state has been like this winter, but over here in the Carolinas, we’re lacking sunlight and dry grounds most days, so having something engaging that the’ll play with for more than 5 minutes is HUGE! And it’s something I like to play with them too, because it really is fun! So, if you’re looking for another indoor activity, fun play toy, a birthday present, or even something to homeschool with, I’d say Shape Mags are a must. After I shared them on my stories, several people asked me my thoughts on them. And they really are a stellar toy to make room for in your home (not that they even take up more than a small basket, but I know I’m all about throwing out clutter and only keeping things we use a lot).