Happiness is Homemade

Isn’t it though? You can create your happiness and joy. Your circumstances may be dim, but you can choose happiness. I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but that’s what we’re trying to teach our girls…and even ourselves as parents! There are days when everything just seems to go wrong or I have a bad week where it seems like one bad incident leads to the next, and we’re all just spinning in a negative cycle. Those weeks are SO hard! But, ultimately, I can choose to turn things around. And I want the girls to learn how to do the same.

It’s never been a trait of mine to see the positive in all the negative. I was just telling my friends and hubby this week that once something bad happens to me, I just go in a downward spiral. It’s hard for the joyful dance to start without really trying my hardest or the circumstances just turning around. So, my goal is to instill the opposite in the girls. And in turn, for me to learn how to do it better instead of feeling stuck.
I think most of you know that last week was one of those weeks. I had a lot of work, so my patience wore thin easily, and in turn, the girls had little patience for my little patience. I’m sure a lot of you understand that vicious cycle. So, I had to be intentional about slowing down, putting work aside, and just focusing on them and our little, ordinary life. We did what they loved. We played “party.” And what that means in our house, is cooking all the food, and then having it all out on the table to eat at the end…and of course having some cake with candles to blow out with a little dance off!
We’ve been blessed to be able to work with an amazing crafter, so that the girls can play their favorite “game” with such a fun kitchen set (I mean…it’s kind of better than my full sized kitchen…just saying). Baby Eco Trends creates such well made pieces that can honestly be passed down to the next generation even with all the crazy parties that happen 😜. Our bassinet rocker is also crafted by them, and every single thing about how it’s made gives me joy. It’s not something that is easily slapped together and then falls apart in a year. You can tell it was made by a labor of love and passion.

And there’s just something about handmade furniture or handmade things that give us all a sense of joy and “homemade happiness” right? We can look at certain pieces or an item of clothing or a blanket that someone knit, and know that such hard work and dedication went into it, so it fills this piece of our heart that’s not used much anymore since everything is so quick and instantaneous. Those kinds of things always make me want to immediately slow down and enjoy them. Like a good meal that was made by your grandmother. You just want to sit and savor all the flavors! That’s kind of what we’ve been doing with this little kitchen set. There have already been numerous meals had and multiple parties set up! Their imaginations are so fun to see come to life.
So, if you’re looking to create some homemade happiness in between TV shows and to do lists, check out Baby Eco Trends. Have a party of your own in a tiny kitchen with small hands, wooden food, toddler tunes, and lots of pretend coffee (or “foffee,” as Hazel says). Intentionally slow down. Your coffee might get cold, but us mamas have gotten pretty good at warming it up by now.