Levana Oma Sense Movement Monitor

and all through the house
not a creature was stirring.
not even a…wait…who’s that awake?
The mom in the home
was awake, eyes half shut
She couldn’t quite settle
(And in my opinion, deserves a medal).
She was watching her babe
Sleep hour after hour
But was ever so nervous
That something bad might go sour.
Alas, the Christmas sun rose
They opened their gifts.
And guess what her hubby chose?
To give the gift of sleep and safety.
To his wife and his child,
So both could doze tranquilly.
Oma Sense takes your worries away
So that sleep will be given
And your concerns put at bay.
If rest is what your eyelids need.
Put Oma Sense Monitor under your tree.
There’s always something nerve wracking about sleeping while your newborn is sleeping, isn’t there…unless someone else is watching her, but realistically, everyone goes to bed around the same time and likes to sleep at night just like you. All the what ifs start going through your head as soon as night time hits. You’ve probably read horrific stories just like I have, and for some reason the dark just amplifies all of those worries. And if you think it gets easier with each child…it doesn’t. All those worries remain the same when they’re so little.
For the past week, we’ve been using Levana’s Oma Sense Movement Monitor. You may have seen it on my Instagram stories if you follow me there. It’s been so nice to have that “extra pair of eyes” during the dark hours of the night when everyone is sound asleep and you want to be too.
I’ve always found myself waking up at every tiny noise I hear or think I might hear when I have a small baby in the house. I think somehow my mind just makes up fake noises to make sure I’m on my game just in case something were to happen, which is totally fine. I’m all about the mama instinct, but sometimes it’d be nice to sleep in increments longer than 30 minutes, right?
Having the Oma Sense Monitor clipped to Winnie has been amazing. I tried it at naps first to see it in action with my own eyes. Then I took it off of her to see what would happen if there were no movement. And let me just assure you…the alarm works, and it will wake you. If there is no breathing movement from your baby after 15 seconds, the loud alarm will sound, and you’ll pop right out of bed. Oma Sense monitors your baby’s breathing movements with a patented technology called WakeUp Technology, which eliminates false alarms that some other movement monitors may give you, so you’ll only be woken if it’s a true emergency!
I know that our generation loves simplicity, and less is more when it comes to items in your home, so you may think when you’re creating a registry that you don’t need a lot of “extra” stuff, but your sanity and sleep are priceless …so is the safety of your baby. I wish I would have had this monitor with Hallen and Hazel, honestly. It would have spared me a lot of anxiety…especially when transitioning them to their own room! I know that’ll be key for my peace of mind when Winnie eventually moves to her crib. That’s always been when my anxiety shoots through the roof…when my babies are farther from me.
So, if you’re anything like me, and I bet you are, give this monitor a try. Buy it and wrap it up for yourself under the tree!