Aqua Tots Swim Lessons. Where are We Now?

It took Hazel about 4 weeks to feel comfortable in the water, but now she loves getting into the pool. I don’t remember the last time she choked on water. Her breath control is amazing! And she’s only 19 months. It doesn’t take long for them to learn what to do with their coaches! And the coaches help you to feel confident as a parent being in the pool with your child…knowing they’ll be okay if you release them for a split second. With a little bit of coaching, they learn to come up and grab onto the edge of the pool! How cool is that?!
And I know a lot of people are thinking this may not be the perfect time to get your child into swim lessons…there may be a whole list of reasons. The pool is closed. School started. Our schedule is packed. We won’t be around water until next summer, etc. Well, it’s a great time to prepare them for next year or just to keep up their skills so that they can build onto what they know. I’m sad that we have to take a break in a few weeks since I’m having a baby. I know they’ll miss it! Hallen constantly talks about her coach and how much she likes her. She trusts her so much!
I wish I could take videos of them in the water, but we’re all in there at the same time, so it’s kind of impossible. You’ll just have to take my word for it. Hallen can do all of the things she needs to for her level except lift her chin up for her roll over onto her back, but everything else she does by herself. She jumps in, swims to her teacher unassisted, goes to the bottom of the pool to grab a diving ring, chicken star rocket (their lingo for a swim motion they need to know to be safe in the water). I am so proud of her accomplishments!
Hazel is still in my arms while we’re in the pool ( I think they stay in parent and me classes until they’re 3). But she’s learned to wait on the side until I tell her it’s time to come to me. She’s learning how to pull herself up out of the pool by herself, grab rings from different stair levels, turn over under the water to come up on her back, and so much more. I love seeing her confidence in the water as well. And I like knowing that she’ll have started from the beginning and always have a level of comfort with it.
It’s so amazing to see how far they’ve come in such a short time. Hazel wasn’t even walking when she started! And if you ask me what my honest, true opinion is of whether or not your child should be in swim lessons…my answer is simply “yes.” To me, it’s as important as a self-defense class. There may not be a cute recital at the end of a season, but there are life skills being learned that they won’t forget. Drowning can happen in mere seconds. We’ve all read devastating stories of it over the summer. So, try and prevent it! You won’t regret it. There may be reservations and tears those first few weeks from your child, but a few weeks is nothing compared to a lifetime of joy and memories that come with the safety around water and ability to swim well.
*If you’re a new or returning customer, you can mention my name (Kristina Williams or Dear November Days) at the front desk when signing your child up and receive 10% off the first month’s tuition at the Charlotte locations. *