Nursing on the Go – Good Body Good Mommy Cardigan

Right now, I love to just wear it on a day to day basis or stuff it in my diaper bag for those cold moments in the grocery store or restaurant when you were just wishing you brought a little something to throw on. I think my favorite part of this cardigan (that’s not even nursing related) is that it has pockets. And the pockets don’t make it bulky. I’m the type of person who just needs my hands to be somewhere. If it’s not holding on to a kid or a bag, it needs a place. I NEED pockets. Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same way! I think after becoming a mom, we just get so used to having our hands be somewhere or doing something, so they equally need a place of rest. Pockets. Thank you, Good Body Good Mommy for giving my hands a place to be.
It drapes well on any silhouette, and is the type of material that won’t wrinkle for our busy mom life where nothing is ever quite folded right.
Since this new babe will be another cold weather baby, I know this will be constantly be layered under my coats. And I don’t have to worry about packing a nursing cover. I’m definitely not the nursing type to always cover, but sometimes it’s nice to have the option, and this cardigan gives you that.
There are four discreet buttons on the lower portion that connect to a loop close to the shoulder, so you can nurse on either side while covered, and position the cardigan on the button that makes you feel most comfortable.
Simple as that. It didn’t take much effort to find the loop or button. Not that I’m nursing right now, but I HAD to try and see what it’d be like, so I popped Hazel under…
She WAS not having it. If you’ve heard her screaming in person, it was one of those types of screams. The “what do you think you’re doing to me? You can’t hold me down for one second!” I don’t think she misses nursing one bit!😂 But I can’t wait to nurse another one.
I can see myself pairing this with my leggings as I’m running out the door with all the kiddos in tow or to the gym. It’ll also be great for when I have to pump. I don’t like anyone to see what’s happening in those tubes and bottles! I don’t even want to see it myself! We all remember what it was like the first time we pumped and looked down at what was going on. Not what you expected, right?! Now if only it could block out the noise of the pump machine as well 😂 I guess that’s what headphones and a TV show are for, right?
** product from Good Body Good Mommy was provided, but all opinions are solely my own.**