The Girls’ Shared Bedroom

I feel so basic for wanting white, blush, gold, and natural elements everywhere, but I can’t help that it looks SO good and fresh. We partnered up with Delta Children for the girls’ new beds, and they are perfect for the space. The perfect shade of white (I mean..have you ever tried to pick out a white?! It’s really hard to find one that doesn’t turn shades of yellow or gray)! Hallen got her Princess Madeline Twin Bed and Hazel has one that coordinates really well, the Lindsey Twin Bed. Every morning when Hallen wakes up, she talks about the princess crown on top of her bed. She tries to explain really hard how it’s not a king crown, but only for princesses (aka no boys allowed…and I’m okay with that ha!).
Both beds are really easy to assemble and well made. I even put one together myself! Hazel doesn’t handle my attention being elsewhere very well, so luckily, Kevin came home to put the other one together. It’s a little hard to tune out her high pitched scream sometimes!
It’s funny how each bed suits their personality. Hallen with the princess crown (who insists she REALLY is a princess, and who am I to tell her she’s not?). And Hazel’s sweet Lindsey bed is such a timeless design that can be used at any age…and I’ve always said she looks like my little vintage baby doll. Timeless just like her. I love how the beds are different yet they work together in the same space. My girls are total opposites, and I like to give them their own little space within the same space that can just be them. So, as we put finishing touches in the room, Hallen’s bed will remain more princess like, and Hazel’s a little funkier!
It’s so funny, though, because Hallen’s room has ALWAYS been where Hazel wants to play. She goes in there to go through all of her jewelry, bows, and clothes any time she can get into her closet! And now, Hallen is asking every night for Hazel to join her in her room, and I know Hazel feels the same way. I’ve wanted them to share a room since I found out Hazel was a girl in my womb. I think sisterhood is so sweet. They’ll share stories and secrets just between them in their two beds at night…probably even crawl into a bed together to snuggle. I think this will be the start of them truly becoming best friends. They’ve honestly started playing better together the past couple weeks….less hitting and screaming. More playing chase and comforting cuddles. These beds will become a place that sisterhood grows, their lives are shared, and giggles runneth over.
If anyone has any good tips about transitioning a little one into a bed, I’d love to hear! And not only that…but transitioning two kids into the same room. They’ve slept in the same room before, but Hazel has always been in a pack and play so she can’t escape. They also have two different bedtimes, so I’m thinking that may help since Hazel goes to bed almost two hours before Hallen. Hallen was so easy to transition, but I just don’t see Hazel’s transition going the same.
I love small details, and these beds have all the small details I was looking for in big girl beds for their shared spaces. The small pearl bead molding that each has, and the little crown inlay on Hallen’s Princess Madeline bed. I also really appreciate how easy these beds are for little hands to learn how to make their own bed up. I’ve ben teaching Hallen since she got her bed how to pull the covers up and put the pillows on in the morning. So much easier than her last toddler bed.
I’ll be sharing more of their rooms as we make choices for decor, and also how the transition goes for Hazel!
You can use code DEARNOVEMBER on your purchase for a discount!
*these beds were provided for a review, but all opinions are my own.