A Big Girl Bedroom with Solay Mattress

She was So excited when it showed up on our doorstep. We did have to wait for daddy to come home to take it up the stairs, but then we popped that box right open, took the plastic wrap off of the mattress, and saw it come to life! The first thing she did was take a jump! What little girl wouldn’t ?
And after she was done jumping, we recycled the box and used it for some fun coloring. Hallen felt like she was in a boat!
This is the first step to making her room into her big girl room. She had actually been coming into our bed every night, and once we got this mattress (plus a little bribery), she’s been sleeping full nights in her bed. I will say, I’m a little jealous of her mattress. It is SO comfortable. I wouldn’t mind having to crawl in there one night if she was feeling like she needed a cuddle for the night. It may be a tight squeeze, but it’d make for some sweet, comfortable snuggles.
She could be sleeping up there the whole night now, because the Solay mattress is a hybrid. That means it’s a combination of coils, breathable foam, and cooling gel. COOLING GEL! How cool (no pun intended) is that?! Two other things that have made me love this mattress (even though I’m not sleeping on it) is that you can sleep on it for 101 nights, and if you AREN’T satisfied, they’ll pick it up, and you can get a full refund (not that you’ll be needing to do that). They also partner with charities, and give 2% of each sale to one of the charities they partner with.
We’ll also going be putting the girls in a room together soon. I’m sure all of you saw our big announcement made this week! So, we need to make a little more space for baby number three. Not that the new baby will be in his/her room for a while, but our plan was to always have the girls share a space anyways. I think it’ll be fun for both of them, and a good learning experience since sharing is a tough issue for Hallen right now.
So, we’ll see how the girls do when we finally squeeze their rooms together. Any tips would be appreciated. I’m not sure if they’ll be napping in the same room yet or not since Hazel tends to sleep longer most afternoons. I’m excited and scared to do it!
All I know right is, Hallen is in love with her new mattress…and I think you’d fall in love with one too!
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