Weekend Baby Proofing with Baby Hoopoe

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But the second child….ohhhhh the second child. She gets into everything. Ever cabinet has been rummaged through. The trash has been emptied. The temperature of the toilet water is monitored by her hands on the daily. She samples every new bowl of dog food we lay out and has even pulled a knife out of the dishwasher! She’s only given me one small heart attack so far, but I’d like to keep them to a minimum, so baby proof we must. She’ll get the bumps and bruises regardless, but we need to be a little extra protected with her.
So, we started with baby gates this past weekend. One at the top, and one at the bottom of our stairs. The one at the top, was a drill in. Sometimes you just have to damage your walls, right? But, bottom stair baby gates don’t need to be drilled into the wall! And thank goodness, because we have a banister on one side. We had some great wall guards sent to us from Baby Hoopoe. They protect your walls and banisters with baby gates. No drilling. No marks left on your walls. And they’re so simple to put on!
The wall guards fit snuggly into the pressure mounts so that no marks are left on your wall. The guards are soft and flexible like a nice grip! They even fit great around odd shaped molding since they have extra “grippage” on the backside.
We had been wondering what we were going to do for a while since it’s an odd opening at the bottom of our stairs for a baby gate. We didn’t think a pressure mount was going to work, but this is actually perfect! Well…perfect for us…maybe not for Hazel since she doesn’t seem to like the fact she can’t practice her stair climbing anymore. 😂 Poor baby!
I definitely recommend these wall guards (there are also banister guards for the top of your stairs if you have railing.). I was so happy we never had to baby proof with Hallen, because that meant not messing up a lot of things around the house! But, now that it’s a must, I’m relieved to know that there are options out there to save your home from all the holes and dents and marks that come with it.

Great product and information to pass down to my sister in law for my nephew who is now 5 months old. He is already trying to be active. Thanks for sharing love.
04 . 03 . 2018http://WWW.STYLEMEFANCY.COM
Seraphina Fox
thank you for sharing this product and the information. I will definitely need to learn from you when i have kids !
04 . 03 . 2018Kristina
You’re welcome!
08 . 03 . 2018Debbie Savage
I recently tended my friends toddler baby who is so adorable! I had to create a BArrier for both of our staircase ENTRIES to keep her safe and sound! BabY proofing is so important! You definitely got this covered!
04 . 03 . 2018xo Debbie | http://www.tothineownstylebetrue.com
Haha! That was like me with the first. I would just put an ottoman where I didn’t want her to go!
08 . 03 . 2018Helena Marz
ThaT is very imPortant to have to keep your little ones safe and avoid putting themSelves in danger. Thanks for sharing this ❤️
04 . 03 . 2018Kristina
You’re welcome!
08 . 03 . 2018Nicole
We are past the days of baby proofing, now we are onto Puppy proofing, very simiLar, lol!! Great Info though!
04 . 03 . 2018Kristina
Haha! So true! Puppies and babies are basically the same. Keeping them out of trouble and making sure they potty where they’re supposed to!
08 . 03 . 2018Jenny @ The Sensible Shopaholic
My hubby made some crazy custom box to go around our baniSter to avoid drilling. I could have used these!!
05 . 03 . 2018Jenny
Haha! Smart man! Can’t ruin those banisters!
08 . 03 . 2018Sheree
I totally remember going through the same process for both my kids and we still have all of our baby proofings up even though they are older now for “just in case” Those gates are great for houses with stairs, thank goodness we live in a one story home.
~ xo Sheree
07 . 03 . 2018PoshClassyMom.com
Yeah! The gates are lifesavers ! One day I want to be in a ranch home with no stairs to climb haha!
08 . 03 . 2018