Hazel’s First Birthday – Rainbows and Unicorns

I didn’t let myself get attached to Hazel until we had her anatomy scan. We found out that she was perfect. And then we had a gender reveal to find out we were having another girl! I started to slowly let myself begin to love her. But if I’m being honest, I tried hard not to love her as well. I couldn’t bear losing another baby I loved so dearly. (You can read my miscarriage story here.)
And then, I had the most amazing birth experience with Hazel. Four short hours of of contractions, and then a couple pushes, and she was on my chest. Our answered prayer. Our little rainbow. I was so overcome with joy. All the love I hadn’t let myself feel for the past nine months was all a sudden overflowing. I couldn’t believe she was real, and we were holding our second precious girl. February 17th. It will forever be her birthday and the day our promise was delivered. Our rainbow. The Lord’s promise that he was protecting us and His promise to restore our family from grief.
And this past weekend, we celebrated little Hazel Marigold turning one! One year went by so quickly. She has turned into the most opinionated, goofy, food-loving one year old I know! She’s provided more laughing with her antics over the past year than I thought was possible. The Lord knew we needed lots of laughs, and that’s what he gave us.
So, little Goldie’s first birthday party had to be all about rainbows…but we added in unicorns for good measure, of course! My in-laws came down from Maryland, my parents were here, and we had about 40 other guests in our home! It was such a great time. Much bigger than anticipated, but so many of these people that surrounded us and little Hazel had been there for us through our loss and all through Hazel’s first short year. So thankful to have a village helping us raise our little girls.
The week before Hazel’s birthday, every morning we practiced blowing out candles so she could nail her first birthday😜, but when she saw the candle on top of a CAKE, all the practice went out the window. She just went straight for the cake, being the foodie that she is.
I was so excited about her birthday party. We literally never have big parties at our house, (because you know…anxieties with messes) so I went all out for her party! And loved every second of it. Even the mess…I just let it be. I kept telling myself that the Dyson would just have a party after the party! And y’all…if you’re having a party soon, one hilarious thing to get for it is a Build a Head. (use code bah-8558 until 2/29 to receive one FREE 12×18 cutout!) We had 6 sent to us, and they were a hit! All the little Hazel faces were running around!
So thank you to all of our friends and family, near and far for supporting us through the news of the baby we lost and loving on our sweet rainbow baby since day one. Please don’t leave us now. The real hard stuff is just about to start 😂
Cake topper/ Cupcake toppers, Hazel is One banner, yarn tassel banner: Good News Lane
Felt Flower Garland: The Little Felt Shop
Romper: Rhett Tucker
Shoes: Mini Melissa
Balloon Arch, confetti, ONE balloon, and unicorn balloons: Ohh How Charming
Cookies: Sugar Mama Cookie Co.
Unicorn head, plates, straws, napkins, tablecloth: Target
My top: Apricot Lane – Charlotte
Hazel Photo Heads: Build a Head (use code bah-8558 for one FREE 12×18 cutout until Feb 29th)
I Am Enough Blanket: Little and Luxe
And thank you for wearing the little birthday girl out ! It was a wave of sugar high and then she crashed for a few solid hours! The perks of a party, right!?

such a great post, thank you for sharing. Everything looks awesome and your daughter looks like she had a fabulous time and enjoyed her cake!
20 . 02 . 2018Lovely
Thank you so much! It was a blast!
22 . 02 . 2018sheree
YOUR STORY IS TRULY INSPIRING. JUst from your pictures i could feel the love you have for hazel. this party is fantastic!
~ xo Sheree
23 . 02 . 2018PoshClassyMom.com
Helena Marz
What an amazing Birthday Party for HazEl, so much fun and Filled with loTs of love! Happy BirThday to hazel❤️ xo
23 . 02 . 2018Nicole
Your posts are always so full of emotion and passion! Thank you for sharing all your feelings and i cant even imagine the pain you had went through with the miscarriage. On the other side of things though, this post is just beaUtiful and i love the smash cake photos!!!
24 . 02 . 2018Pentené
Aww HAPPY first Birthday to your baby girl! This post is so sweet and heartfelt. Your compassion for your kids is commendable. Keep Loving THEM they way you Do. Enjoyed the bday photos too. She looked super cute for her day.
24 . 02 . 2018http://www.stylemefancy.com
Jenny @ The Sensible Shopaholic
First of all, i love yoUr story. I totally get how scary it can be to start loving after a loss. But her party was absolutely picture perfect. Its clear she was meAnt to be your daughter.
25 . 02 . 2018Jenny
Seraphina Fox
Happy birthday to your baby girl. she is so adorable. i totally love your story and the photos ARE SO CUTE
04 . 03 . 2018Debbie Savage
Oh, my goodness! This has to be the best first birthday party I have ever seen! Wow, she is so blessed to have you as her mother! the party decor is just beautiful! I am so happy for you! Shes an angel!
04 . 03 . 2018xo Debbie | http://www.tothineownstylebetrue.com
Thank you SO much! The party was a blast! I kind of want my house to stay as unicorns and rainbows!
08 . 03 . 2018