
That quote explains me to a T. Adventure was my middle name before children, and then I saw how hard it is to just pick up and leave the world behind while I went to explore more of the world, so it’s easier to just stay and play at home. And these two little girls of ours are exactly the same. They love to go explore, find new playgrounds, travel to different states (because it means lots of TV watching), but eventually Hallen starts asking to go home. You can see their faces light up when we pull in the garage. It’s like another adventure has just begun when they’re all unbuckled and run inside to the familiarity of their own toys, couch, and room.
Maybe we’re all made a little like that. We thrive on adventure; exploring new stomping grounds; but ultimately, we want our to sip from our favorite coffee mug, under our own blanket, on our own couch in the morning. There’s adrenaline in the travel and comfort in the known. Home.
For the past couple weeks, we’ve been toting around this new “adventure nest” everywhere we go. The moment I took it out of the box, Hallen leapt in it, and pretended it was a boat! The next day it was a race car. And the next, it was a bed for her baby dolls. Both of the girls like to climb in it and watch TV together or just “go on an adventure.” Hallen is in the make believe/pretending everything stage, so her mind goes all over the place, and it’s so fun to hear what comes out of her mouth next. When we’re in the car, and she forgets her baby doll at home, she’ll start singing to her hands, saying they’re her little girl friends. 😂
We took the nest down to the river behind our neighborhood the other day so we could just sit, play, and watch the water move on down. Somehow, it makes it more exciting when you bring something along. It makes your activity seem more legit to your kids, right? 😂 So, the nest became a boat again. Hallen and I were swapping stories of river life and motherhood (she calls herself Mommy Hallen). And she tried to teach Hazel the ways of the woods…there are bugs in the ground and in the trees if you were wondering! She will talk your ear off about anything and everything if you give her the chance!
I know as mothers, it’s really hard to get out of the house sometimes…no…actually…like all the time. And that’s okay! It’s a season. I’m learning that slowly. The older Hazel gets, the more I realize that. And I want to provide them memories. So many good childhood memories. Not just running to and from places. Because we can have fun right where we are during this season! I remember running around my backyard for a lot of my childhood, and that was so much fun! It doesn’t take a lot for a child to enjoy their play time. The good ol’ days, right? Just some grass and a cardboard box! So, I like to invest in things I know won’t be tossed to the side tomorrow when a new movie comes out. This nest is one of those things! It’ll go on camping adventures, back yard voyages, beach trips, be the bed for so many more baby dolls, and probably become the reading pillow where their minds go on so many explorations with books!
The material is so durable and yet so soft. It’s the first place Hallen crawls into in the morning when she comes out of her room. Neither one of us like to talk until we’ve been awake for at least 30 minutes, so I give her a blanket, a book, and a cup of coffee (aka a small mug of whipped cream. Don’t judge me! ), and I’ll have my first cup of coffee and read some Scripture. It’s a perfect kind of morning! The slow and easy.
use code KRISTINA10 to purchase one of your own AdventureNests
*This post was written as part of a collaboration, but all opinions are strictly my own, and you guys know I would tell you my true thoughts!*
You have such cute baby girls AND these photos are so beautiful. Love the idea of the adventure nest. It’s way too adorable.
03 . 02 . 2018http://WWW.STYLEMEFANCY.COM
Melissa | Bubby and Bean
We are adventurers too and that looks perfect for travel and explorIng! It has such a pretty priNt too.
04 . 02 . 2018Helena Marz
Your kids are so cute and sweet together! Beautiful photos of them in their little adventure nest❤️
04 . 02 . 2018Nicole
Oh my lord, the sweetness and love captured in these photos is truly magical! Youre photography and writing skills are amazing too, love this 🙌🏻🙌🏻
04 . 02 . 2018April
Your girls are just so adorable! I can just see how much they adore each other in these photos. And that nest looks so comfy and cozy!
04 . 02 . 2018Jenny @ The Sensible Shopaholic
These are such sweet photos. There truly is no place like home. Im the exact same way.
05 . 02 . 2018Jenny
Debbie Savage
Your babes are so beautiful! I would of loved to have something like this for my babes when they were younger! It is so fun to explore and to have a little nest where they could rest and look up into the sky! I really do love your photography too!
05 . 02 . 2018xo Debbie |
Oh my gosh these photos are incredibly beautiful and they are so cute together. The Adventure Nest looks like a great product to take on the go for kids to sit and play in.
xo sheree
05 . 02 . 2018POsh Classy Mom
Seraphina Fox
Your kids are so so so adorable! How fun it is to explore and have a little nest 🙂
05 . 02 . 2018Jen
Awe! I just love your analogy! We all love an adventure but nothing beats coming home to your comforts. The fact that the kids can now bring a littLe home comfort with them on all their adventures and incorporate it into their adventures is so precious!
05 . 02 . 2018