New Year. New Flu

What a way to start the New Year. I went to a New Year party by myself, while Kevin stayed home with the girls, because he was so sick. I felt awful for him. A couple days later, Hallen drank out of his cup, and I swear that’s how she got it. So, we’ve been doing nothing buy cleaning the house, washing our hands, sleeping, washing clothes, wiping noses, and decluttering the house in between all of the cleaning. Hopefully next week will be like a reset button on everyone’s health, and we can start the New Year right!
So, aside from the flu and a really clean house, we do have some goals for this year, and I figured …what better place to write them down and keep me accountable other than my blog! So, let’s start:
- Grow my photography business. Specifically birth photography…I’ll be rolling out a “Motherhood Package.” It’ll consist of maternity, birth, and newborn either as one big package or a la carte. Whatever floats your boat. So, if you happen to know someone in the Charlotte area, I’d love a referral!
- DATE NIGHTS!!! We’ve been saying this for a long time, but never actually had a steady date night. And we said this during marriage counseling years ago! So, it’s about time to put it in place. No matter the cost of a babysitter, we’re going on one real date night a month. No friends included. Just Kevin and me.
- Eat fully vegan. No explanation really needed. But, no “cheat” days. We both feel so much better without added dairy and animal products. Go watch “What the Health.” Maybe you’ll join us on this venture ha!
- Create a simplified life…clean out closets, organize drawers, stop buying stuff we don’t need, create a cleaning schedule, start putting stuff back where it came from instead of just tossing it down…Give me all your organizational tips!
- Swap out products for clean ones. We started this last year with Beautycounter products (makeup and skincare) and essential oil cleaning products, but I’m still trying to do everything. And also reach more people about the terrible ingredients found in our products! I want everyone to know about Beautycounter. That’s pretty ambitious, right?! EVERYONE!! But seriously, I need to swap out my plastic Tupperware for glass, make homemade detergent, find a safe mopping solution…So if you have some great swaps, tell me!
- Do more yoga. I used to run 3-5 times a week, but running with a double BOB in our hilly neighborhood killed my back and tweaked my shoulders. Send me all of your favorite YouTube yoga classes!
- Print photos out and hang them up! I’m a photographer, but by my home you wouldn’t know it. And that’s just unacceptable!
- Read my Bible. Or just make time to have a morning/afternoon/or evening devotional. Since having children, it’s hard to find time…or I just make up excuses to do other things.
- Take one photo a day unrelated to blogging. Just my life. I’ll be posting these on my personal account @kina_williams
- Maybe get pregnant! There, I said it haha! We want more kids, so bring it on 2018!
What are some of your goals for this year? I love goal setting
And all of these photos correspond with a goal. You can try to play the matching game ;-P
Jenny @ The Sensible Shopaholic
Bummer you’ve all been sick! My hubby had strep throat last week so we’ve been struggling over here too. Love all your goals, especially your last one. Cheers to an amazing 2018!!
06 . 01 . 2018Jenny
It’s rough when there are sick people in the house! Hope it’s getting better for you guys! xx
08 . 01 . 2018Nicole
That baby Being born pic pretty much sums up that goal, lol! Hope everyone is feeling better and Happy 2018!
06 . 01 . 2018Kristina
haha! It was such a beautiful birth! Hope to do more of them this year! Thanks, girl!
08 . 01 . 2018Helena Marz
Aw im sorry To hear your New Year started off with being sick with the flu:( it is not fun at all and it is that time of the year. Hope you all feel better soon and start your new year on a positive note. Wish you all the best with your goals for 2018❤️
06 . 01 . 2018Debbie Savage
Happy new year swe!!! I hope you guys are all on the mend now!!! Your goals really hit home!!!!
08 . 01 . 2018Kristina
Everyone’s starting to feel better! Thanks, girl!
08 . 01 . 2018Seraphina fox
Aw no i hope everyone is feeling better 🙁
Love your goal setting it definitely is the way to go for 2018 !
08 . 01 . 2018Kristina
Yeah. Rough start to the year, but everyone is starting to get a little better! I think 2018 is going to be a great one!
08 . 01 . 2018AprIl
Oh gosh, I’m so sorry your whole family has been sick with the flu. We have been through that with our family so I know exactly what you’re going through.
I I love that you want to grow your maternity, Bertha newborn photography business! for many years I was a newborn photographer as well and I absolutely loved it but it was too hard with my day job and my family so I gave it up. I do miss it though!
ApRil |
08 . 01 . 2018Kristina
I had no clue you were a newborn photographer! It’s such a sweet and rewarding job. I couldn’t imagine doing that and your day job though! You’re a super woman!
08 . 01 . 2018Sheree
So sorry to hear that you’ve been sick, it is the worst to take care of kiddos when you aren’t feeling your best. Hope you got some rest soon. Love to read your new years goals, that last one sure sounds exciting and FRIGHTENING…I am barely afloat with two and can’t imagine with more.
xo Sheree
09 . 01 . 2018Posh Classy mom
Haha! Yes, that’s totally the best way to explain that last one!
11 . 01 . 2018Caitlin | Beauty & Colour
Good luck with your photography business!
Beauty & Colour | Vegan Lifestyle Blog
10 . 01 . 2018Kristina
Thank you so much!
11 . 01 . 2018