Just Perfect

I can tell you that my view of what’s “just perfect” has changed dramatically over the years, just as it did for Kimberly Mohns Roberts, who wrote the book, Just Perfect. Kimberly struggled with anxiety and depression as a teenager, which eventually led her to try and take her own life! After years of overcoming those struggles, she now has two beautiful little girls of her own (who are the absolute sweetest). And she knew that she needed to teach them and empower them with self love and self confidence. She decided that not only her two little girls, but all the beautiful children out there need to know how important it is to really treasure the uniqueness that makes you “you.”
This is something I knew I had to teach my two little girls as well. For years, when I was younger, I struggled with anorexia. Very long story short, I was hospitalized for almost three months to gain weight and start therapy. Looking back, I can look at my photos of my 15 year old self and see nothing but skin and bones. But what I saw in that moment when I was 15 years old was disgust, flab, a big nose, thick thighs, and all these little imperfections. I had no clue how to love myself. I had no perception of what was good and what was bad anymore. My head was clouded with calorie counts and what a perfect body should look like. I had to measure up to certain standards in school, socially, and aesthetically. I began to spiral out of control to the point of only eating half an apple a day, and always worrying over what I was going to eat (or wasn’t going to eat). I’m so thankful my parents took me into a rehab center one day in New Orleans. I hated it at the time, but the events that took place were going to shape the rest of my life.
I’m sure Kimberly came to the same realization that I did about my past. We all have our struggles for certain reasons, and I don’t wish struggles on anyone, but I’m so glad Kimberly felt compelled to share her story and struggles, and left the corporate world to start a movement of empowering our little babies to love themselves and accept themselves like they are. It’s an important message when we come in contact with so many comparison messages each day. Our heads are filled with messages that we don’t even know are entering our heads! We have to counteract that in some way, especially with our children since they’re little sponges. One easy way is to read them empowering stories about love, acceptance, and what’s true in this world. Just Perfect is a fun book to show them all about acceptance! The character talks about all that could be wrong with her, but in the end, she’s “just perfect.”
Years later, when I began to imagine what my family would look like, I knew I’d have all boys. There was no way I could have girls and “pass down” my eating disorder to them. Well…here I am, two perfect daughters later, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. The Lord knew exactly what I needed. In a way, they keep me accountable, and they don’t even know it. And my daily prayer is that I can instill in them what true beauty is, and that they really are just perfect the way they are.
And now, the fun part for you! One lucky winner will receive a signed copy of Kimberly’s book, Just Perfect, a Just Perfect tee or onesie, and a sweet little tutu to match!
All you have to do is:
Follow me on Instagram
Follow Kimberly’s Instagram page
Comment on my Instagram post a way you’re already teaching your kiddos that they’re #justperfect and tag a friend.
BONUS ENTRY: Comment on my blog post about how your view of what #justperfect is has changed!
BONUS BONUS ENTRY: Like Kimberly’s Facebook Page
And if you just CAN’T WAIT until the contest is over, go ahead and purchase the book with code AFSP17 for $1 off the book, and the remainder of the profits will be donated to AFSP (American Foundation of Suicide Prevention) through the end of the month (9/30). And if you’d just like to make a donation there, follow the link.
Wow, has my view of perfect been COMPLETELY chAngedd by Motherhood?! I used to cry myself to sleep Because my Size 0 jeans were getting a little tight and Then kill myself at the gym to try to get back into them. I was at a constant battle with myself over food + working out. Even to the point Of becoming BULIMIC. The last time i tHrew up (on PUrpose bc hello That fIrst trimester is rough!) was the day before i Found out i was pregnant with My first. She chAnged my woRld. It wasnt about me anymore, and my perfect now is nOt fitting into mY size 0 jeans (i may never again, thank you birthing hips ?) but instead my perfect is being a healthy mom- so that i can lead, love & give my all to them. They are my perfect!!
19 . 09 . 2017Kristina
Aw I love this! We’re so similar. Once I had a daughter, I knew I wasn’t living for me anymore, and I didn’t want her to think she had to look a certain way! She’s SO perfect how she is! And that’s also when I understood how my mom felt about me as well.
Being a healthy mom and loving the heck out of those babies is the most important perfect right now!
27 . 09 . 2017Emily
My view on #Justperfecthas changed a lot since my daughTer was born. I know im not going to walk out of the house with makeup on most days and the house is definitEly not going to be spotless.
25 . 09 . 2017Kristina
Yes! And it has to be fine for sanity sake!
27 . 09 . 2017