Sassy Toddlers



Look at the camera. Smile. Sit down. Stop hitting your sister. Stop hitting the dog with your stroller. Don’t throw that. Stay in your room until I come and get you. No, you can’t go outside without me! Stop pulling my hair! YOU HAVE TO WEAR PANTS!

The words on repeat at our house lately. And I have no clue how it happened. Hallen was seriously the easiest baby on the planet. No lie. I could have had quadruplet Hallen’s, and I could have survived easily. She didn’t need any help going to sleep, she nursed easily, she was great in the car, she didn’t need to be rocked or patted, and she honestly never cried! This all stopped once she hit the toddler stage. And the past two months have increasingly tough. She’s challenging me in every aspect of life. Everything is a fight. And now in the past week, she’s finally realized she can get out of her room without me coming to get her. So, wake up time has gone from 8:30 to 6:30, and nap time has shortened by an hour. SHe’s making me more tired than the newborn right now!


Her opinions are forming, and she’s starting to realize she has some authority to her own life it seems. I never thought she’d be this challenging. She was supposed to be my little bookworm. My introvert. My no timeout girl. Instead it’s been 20 timeouts before 10 in the morning lately. I know this is all just a phase. She definitely has her sweet moments still. That’s why we keep toddlers around, right?! They’re just so darn cute and funny! She pretends to sneeze, she tells you how much she loves every single part of you. She kisses your cheeks. She’s become quite the cuddle bug. Whenever Hazel is awake, she wants to hold her. She has the cutest little toddler voice. She’s obsessed with shoes.


And she loves to wear matching outfits. She’d rather match with Hazel, but she’ll settle for matching mommy. And I’m going to ride that train as long as she’ll let me. I LOVE these leggings from a small shop, Bean and Brea. They’re the perfect spring legging with the bright florals and white background.


Matching Leggings

My top is sold out online, but here is one similar option, and here is another.

Shoes//Similar summer shoe (they’re on my list to get! I love KORKS)

Hallen’s top

Hallen’s shoes are sold out, but here is one similar option, and here is another.


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  1. Grandma

    I’m sorry but I’m laughing out loud! Knew it couldn’t last forever!!!

    12 . 05 . 2017
  2. Jennifer

    I LOVE mOMMY AND ME SETS TOO. AND THESE MATCHING OUTFITS ARE SO CUTE AND FUN. THEY LOOK SO GREAT ON YOU LADIES. Hallen is such a cutie. And i get what you mean about toddlers! I have two.

    12 . 05 . 2017
  3. Nina nguyen

    Oh wow, hang in there girly! She is such a cutie!!
    Xo- nina

    12 . 05 . 2017
  4. Nicole

    Haha-ive got four kiddos–my youngest of which is a 3 year old boy who is all things crazy—but such a cutie and so sweet at times too!! He is however my toughest one of all 4 (my other 3 girls were much more behaved as toddlers)! This stage shall pass—in a few years ??

    12 . 05 . 2017
  5. Katesnumberones

    awww haha, I loved reading this. It is supet sweet. by the way, I love love love your blog name!

    13 . 05 . 2017
  6. Helena Marz

    I Love both of your matching outfit and these leggings arE so cute! She is so adorable and sweet! ❤️

    14 . 05 . 2017
  7. karissa

    what beautiful kids you have! thanks for sharing your mommy experiences. i’m not a mother yet but its good to know what i’ll be in for!

    14 . 05 . 2017
  8. Jenn

    This is too precious! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your everyday life with your kiddos! Loved this post! 🙂


    14 . 05 . 2017
  9. Debbie Savage

    YOu are so beautiful kristina! your daughter is so lovely! you are doing a wonderful job! my first born emi sounds a lot like your princess. she is now 13 and turning out to be a lovely young woman. keep up the great work!
    xo Debbie |

    16 . 05 . 2017

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