Looong Time No See

So…This post is looong overdue. I’ll cut straight to the point, so there’s no wondering. Since my last post in March, we became pregnant!! We found out April 2. A day I’ll never forget. That night, we went ahead and shared the news with Kevin’s parents and sister. We had a nice dinner out with them celebrating their anniversary, so nothing was suspected. We gave them a bottle of wine with an Easter egg tied around the top. Kevin’s dad politely said, “thanks.” So, we had to nudge the two of them to open the egg. Inside was a pacifier that said “coming December 2014.” His mom screamed and his dad was thrilled. Our little nephew at the table was still a bit confused, but he’s definitely come around!

Then, that weekend we already had a trip planned to see my parents in South Carolina. Totally unsuspicious. We packed them a little gift bag with two Easter eggs. One saying, “you’ll need this soon…” and other saying “this big.” The first one had a pacifier just as Kevin’s parents’ egg. The other was filled with poppy seeds, because at that time baby Williams was only a speck! My mom doubled over in tears and excitement. My dad smiled and congratulated with warm hugs!

It was such a great experience. That first trimester was tough, though. And I’m not talking morning sickness! I actually never had one funny feeling (thank the Lord). I was terrified of losing this little person we had just created. Around 10 weeks, my cousin gave me a used heart rate doppler. I cannot tell you how many times that little piece of technology put my mind at ease. It was definitely three months of fully trusting the Lord with what He had blessed us with.

The first stick! Taken at 5:30am. In shock.

First belly picture!

How “big” our little peanut was on that day.

Just wanted to see it written out…insurance 🙂

And the first picture of our little peanut. God is good.
Now, at 6 months pregnant, we’ve found out we’re expecting a baby girl on December 4th! She’s starting to kick, and play, and has already found my ribs (yes, they are bruised). We’re thinking she may be a soccer player! 
From that little peanut to the 2 pound girl she is now….
12 weeks
13 weeks
14 weeks
15 weeks
16 weeks
17 weeks
18 weeks (in Paris)
19 weeks
20 weeks (gender reveal party!)
21 weeks
22 weeks
23 weeks
24 weeks
25 weeks
26 weeks

And we’re 27 weeks tomorrow! Throughout these past weeks, we’ve put the size of the baby (compared to a fruit or veggie), length, weight, weeks, and milestones (which I don’t think you can see from the pictures). It’s been crazy watching the bump grow. I can’t wait to show her one day!

This is the little face I keep in my heart and mind until the cold day she decides to make her entrance…
Love that sweet little peanut
