If you don’t know what the Whole30 challenge is, check out the link. Basically, you only eat whole foods for 30 days. That is, you eat meat, veggies, and healthy fats. No flour, dairy, legumes, sugar, alcohol, etc. Kevin and I have decided to give this a go, because we figured there’s nothing to lose (except for that ever loving delicious dark chocolate in the fridge).
We made a pact this past weekend to start ASAP. The only thing that we didn’t want to do was waste money. That defeats any purpose to me. Why waste items that we already bought. So, we will finish our half carton of oatmeal, the rest of our life cereal, maybe a chocolate chip cookie, an open bottle of wine, and definitely the dark chocolate! But after these few items are gone, we are all on board for this new journey. We had our first meal last night, which turned out pretty good. It was a turkey burger with avocado, spinach, and a mix of mushrooms, onions, and spinach cooked in coconut oil. Delicious if I must say so myself!
It’s not even that we don’t eat healthy the majority of the time. There were just places that we could do without, especially while trying to get pregnant. I know I’m guilty of cookies or candy occasionally. Definitely guilty of dark chocolate and red wine. Perfect combo, right?
I also made us a scrumptious breakfast casserole for the week ahead:
12 eggs
1.5 lbs of your preferred ground meat (I chose turkey, because It was on sale)
3 cups mushrooms
1/2 onion
5 cups spinach
any spices you desire
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Brown the meat. Place in the bottom of an oiled (with coconut oil) 13X9 pyrex
3. Mix eggs, spices, and all veggies together
4. Pour egg mixture on top of meat
5. Bake for 40 minutes or is not runny
This should make about 8-10 portions depending on how much you want
I didn’t have the best camera at the time, so the pictures aren’t great, but ya get the gist! It’s portable and easy and delicious.
Tonight, I made a beef stew. I’ll let you know how that turns out tomorrow 🙂